RIM Launching MyBlackBerry Social Network Tonight – Screenshots!

Yesterday BerryReview made mention of MyBlackBerry coming into fruition well RIM have confirmed via email that the site will be launched tonight! Here’s the story from Berryreview: Not sure if this will excite you enough to stay up all night. RIM sent me an email confirming that the MyBlackBerry social network that we told you… Continue reading RIM Launching MyBlackBerry Social Network Tonight – Screenshots!

Categorized as BlackBerry

Who’s Nanu anyway?

Those of you who are avid BlackBerry fans may know me as the one who sniffed out the link to the BlackBerry media sync little over a year ago, as reported by Ronen over at BerryReview.com which is the best feed for all things BlackBerry in my opinion. I also released BlackBerry Maps and Windows… Continue reading Who’s Nanu anyway?

Categorized as BlackBerry

BlackBerry App World

BlackBerry App World, RIM’s answer to Apple’s app store, now holds 2000 Applications. But is it enough?? not for me, the pricing of apps is ridiculous in comparison to those of the iPhone and Android and RIM need to step up a gear in encouraging developers to release more apps at affordable prices. The usability… Continue reading BlackBerry App World