HTC Smart, new device, new OS, new direction?

HTC Smart – Overview

Today HTC announced a new way forward for themselves with the HTC Smart a new type of smartphone that creates a new category of easy-to-use, connected smartphones that are accessible by people all over the world. The HTC Smart will be available this spring across Europe and Asia.

“HTC Smart breaks new ground in delivering the powerful, in-demand smartphone features that consumers want on a more accessible device for global markets,” said Paul Jacobs, chief executive officer, Qualcomm Incorporated. “We are pleased to be supporting HTC as they utilize the capabilities of Qualcomm’s Brew Mobile Platform open operating system to offer high-end capabilities and a compelling mobile user experience at mass-market price points.”

Qualcomm Brew Mobile Platform (Brew MP)
HTC Smart utilizes Qualcomm’s Brew MP, a popular mobile operating system that enables smartphone devices to be offered at more aggressive price points, providing HTC with the flexibility to deliver smartphone features on devices across multiple tiers.
The HTC Smart is a compact phone that’s ready to help you be a smarter YOU and a funner YOU.

Make it Mine
The HTC Smart is at your service, be it for your productive side or your playful side. HTC Smart comes with Scenes—different phone configurations that reflect different moods in your daily self. There’s a mode for your busy weekdays, filling your home screen with panels that help you ease on through your workdays with apps like email, calendar and the web browser. There’s a mode for relaxing (or not!) weekends, which brings fun to the forefront with music, camera, and photo album panels. There’s even a scene that you can personalize to fit your unique style and daily needs.

Stay Close
With HTC Smart, your interactions are neatly placed right under the pics of your favorite people. Rather than having to open multiple applications, there’s a single view of all your communications, be it email, text, or a Facebook update with any one of your contacts.

Discover the Unexpected
The more you use the HTC Smart, the more small touches you will find – each one elevating your phone experience. For example, with just one tap you can turn your web browser to landscape mode so you can get a better view while surfing the internet. There is also smart zoom, which enlarges and reflows the text for your reading pleasure with just a double tap on the screen.

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